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E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Monitor, Identify and Enforce MAP Compliance with Vserve eCommerce MAP Monitoring Services

A large group of manufacturers and online retailers don’t have the resources to identify the real culprits who violate their MAP agreements. Those who have tried to find out manually have ended up saying it is challenging, time-consuming, and costly. Those who have tried automated solutions to find out MAP violations are fed up with a heap of reports without filters, which includes unwanted data. As a result, they spend hours sorting out the actual violators.

Are you tired of being in trenches to find your MAP violators and preserve your price margin? Let Vserve help you 

eCommerce MAP Monitoring

Vserve eCommerce MAP Monitoring and Enforcement Solution

Vserve has developed MAP enforcement strategies for hundreds of brands seeking solutions to stop resellers from violating their price points and eroding their brand reputation. 

We help manufacturers, brands, and retailers effectively monitor reseller channels for MAP policy compliance, identify pricing violators, and enforce the MAP policy adherence with timely email intimations.

  • Vserve makes it easier to get real-time pricing data from your resellers with a combination of automation, analytics, and human intelligence.
  • We collect and analyze multi-channel pricing data with unmatched speed and scale.
  • With a unique combination of data science and human validation, we identify MAP violations with 100% data accuracy.
  • We are geared to provide comprehensive yet personalized dashboard reports of all the necessary MAP violation monitoring data at a single glance.

Why is eCommerce Map Monitoring Difficult?

In this competitive world, retailers are changing the price below MAP within minutes, which is not found by many. They have started to price at style, size, and color level, which again go undetected as we keep on monitoring at style level. Some retailers add a price in cart, which will be different from their advertisement. Brands find it difficult to figure out who is an authorized and unauthorized seller of their products.

Services At Vserve

At Vserve, we maintain a dedicated eCommerce MAP monitoring workflow to serve you best. Our service includes –

Ecommerce MAP Monitoring:

Vserve helps analyze your product pricing evolution across various channels, including every individual retailer that you wish to monitor. Provide us with the list of products and retailers to track, and we will get back to you with a detailed dashboard on every individual product SKU and the retailer pricing details for it. 

But, what’s the point of monitoring the product pricing and not tracing out MAP violations, here’s the Vserve advantage. Vserve offers a fully-managed MAP monitoring service, violation tracking, and enforcing MAP compliance to your resellers on your behalf.

MAP Violation Tracking:

At Vserve, we check the pricing stage by stage of all the retailer websites. By this, you will be able to conclude which website violates your MAP policies so that you can take the necessary steps to stop them.

We give a detailed report on our analysis pointing, which has violated your minimum advertised pricing policies and when thereby you will be able to determine who your real violators are and what action to be taken against them. We provide you with a track of screenshots, violation history, and pricing events of every tracked site.

  • Unlike other advertised price monitoring services, we check for the advertised price and price in the cart to have a better view of violations.
  • We monitor multiple sites simultaneously to check whether they have violated the minimum advertised price(MAP) policies.
  • We watch the pricing round-the-clock but at different times each day to identify violators no matter when they change their advertised prices in a day.
  • The data from automated violation tracking is reviewed and verified by our trained Skip-tracers to match the missed products for MAP pricing violations manually. It is done to assure the data input on your dashboard is 100% accurate.

MAP Enforcement:

So you have got the proof and know who the violators are and what’s next?

The success of your MAP pricing policy is directly connected to your ability to enforce it against the reseller who violates it. You need systemic efforts to reduce MAP violations effectively. But the process is time-consuming and resource-intensive. 

Here’s a turn-key solution for MAP pricing monitoring enforcement from Vserve.

We help send full-customized, personalized, and automated emails to notify merchants when they violate the MAP policy. Our services include 

  • Sending initial warning email to the violators.
  • Following-up on violators through emails.
  • Sending a final note to the repeat violators who are consistently violating your MAP policy outlines the consequences of advertised price violations.
  • Sending quarterly updates to every reseller on your MAP policy status and what’s being done about your non-compliant sellers.

Beyond eliminating your sub MAP sellers, we also help develop a long-lasting relationship with your complaint sellers, by sending thank you notes and timely MAP policy updates.

Simple and Intuitive Reports

Simple and Intuitive Reports

We create an exclusive report discarding all the unwanted data. We will provide you the reports either as a dashboard or a price matrix with filters to quickly process the essential information.
Custom Notifications

Custom Notifications

Price alerts/notifications will be sent via email to keep the client aware of the constant price changes as and when they happen. We also trigger alerts immediately through emails when your retailers violate your MAP agreements.
Data Accuracy

Data Accuracy

With a perfect combination of cutting-edge AI and ML technology and human expertise, Vserve's competitive intelligence solution ensures you receive the benefits of both methods. While automated data intelligence may not ensure data accuracy, our manual expertise can fill in this gap to provide results with 99% data accuracy in a quick turnaround time.
Data Security

Data Security

As your Data intelligence service partner, we are committed to maintaining the highest data quality and security standards. In accordance with ISO 27001:2013, we have an established information security management system to safeguard the confidential information you have.

Simple and Intuitive Reports:

We create an exclusive report discarding all the unwanted data. We will provide you the reports either as a dashboard or a price matrix with filters to quickly process the essential information.

Custom Notifications:

Price alerts/notifications will be sent via email to keep the client aware of the constant price changes as and when they happen. We also trigger alerts immediately through emails when your retailers violate your MAP agreements.

Data Accuracy

With a perfect combination of cutting-edge AI and ML technology and human expertise, Vserve’s competitive intelligence solution ensures you receive the benefits of both methods.

While automated data intelligence may not ensure data accuracy, our manual expertise can fill in this gap to provide results with 99% data accuracy in a quick turnaround time.

Data Security

As your Data intelligence service partner, we are committed to maintaining the highest data quality and security standards. In accordance with ISO 27001:2013, we have an established information security management system to safeguard the confidential information you have.

FAQ - Question and Answer

What is eCommerce MAP monitoring?

Minimum Advertised Price ( MAP )  is the practice of monitoring the prices of online products across different digital platforms to set a fair price standard. It is done so that even small manufacturers can compete with large suppliers and earn a decent profit. Through MAP, underpricing products is also prevented from providing an even playing field for all.

Why should I outsource eCommerce MAP monitoring?

Ecommerce MAP monitoring is easier to outsource than doing it in-house:

  • You can focus on core business operations which outweighs the cost factor.
  • The agency keeps track of every activity 24*7, which is impossible for you to do.
  • It gives you immediate notification of any issue.

With the teams’ practical knowledge, every problem can be dealt with instantly.


Deep domain expertise in eCommerce by working with over 50+ US online retailers

Most cost-effective and flexible solutions with guaranteed bottom-line savings of 50%

Easy to work with as our Program Managers understand US online retailers very well

Trustworthy US incorporated organization giving you total peace of mind

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Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.


Clarify your Needs

Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Case Study

Competitor price analysis

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Case Study

Supporting client's competitive intelligence tool with Quality assurance expertise

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Case Study

Improving business Decisions with Vserve's business intelligence services

Case Study

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Improving business Decisions with Vserve's business intelligence services

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Competitor price analysis

vserve | E-Commerce MAP Monitoring

Supporting client's competitive intelligence tool with Quality assurance expertise

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