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eCommerce Competitor Cross Reference Service

Now stay ahead in the arena of business with our extensive competitor monitoring services

Accurate and detailed information about products in the market is necessary to display relevant products at the right price to your customers. If you are an industrial products manufacturer or distributor, then cross referencing service will help you win RFPs and bids. In the absence of such services, your sales team may provide unclear competitor details, incorrect pricing, and miss important details that can cause you to lose valuable bids. With our services, your sales team can respond to the bids promptly without compromising on quality.

At Vserve, we analyze and cross-reference your products with competitor sites and give a detailed analysis along with recommendations to add/modify content on your site.

We help categorize the products into an exact match and close match based on the specifications provided. The Grading system helps the client to understand the average percentage for selection they have for their customers.

You can gain valuable information from competitor analysis to boost your sales effort. We provide this essential information in the form of a datasheet and detailed audit report to help you make informed decisions for your business before submitting the RFPs.

With Vserve’s Retail Product Cross Reference, your retail business can:

  •  Identify the percentage of the sale that can be made in a specific bid.
  • Get a clear update on product availability and the need to update stocks.
  • Market Insights on the pricing and category of the products of your competitors.

We Offer the Following Competitor Monitoring for Your Business

Our competitor monitoring service is backed by a combination of automation and manual support to improve data accuracy and efficiency upto 99.9%. Adding an advantage, we deliver quick results for your RFQ requirements within 24-48 hours.

Our Cross Referencing Approach

vserve|Competitor Cross Reference

Product specifications/descriptions

Vserve enables you to consider minute details of the data related to your competitors to optimize your product specifications and descriptions. The detailed report can help us display relevant and important product specifications to capture your customers’ attention.

Competitor pricing/offers/discounts

41% of B2B businesses believe in competitor research as the most useful approach to design their pricing strategy. Vserve’s approach to competitor price intelligence can help you determine the right pricing for your products and, therefore, increase your products’ profit margins.

Missing images, model/serial numbers, manufacturer specifications

Vserve will ensure to maintain the quality of the cross-referencing data to provide maximum value to your business. Our team will handle essential information that is often missed due to large volumes of product information. This includes missing images, serial numbers, manufacturer details, and so on. 

Alternate product suggestions

Vserve will group cross-references into distinct categories to provide alternate product suggestions to your customers. This is done in the form of cross-selling and up-selling with upgrade and downgrade suggestions.

Outsource Competitor Price Intelligence for a boost in your sales

To be at the top of your business, you need to be above your competitors. To do so, you need to know about your competitors to analyze how your products are performing, this is why you need reliable partners such as Vserve to facilitate this process. 

Vserve will be your link between your business and success. Outsourcing crucial operations such as competitor monitoring to us would help you get a comprehensive picture of the market you are in and strategize your next steps and submit a winning bid. Whether it is competitive product descriptions, prices, discounts, or images; you do not have to filter the data to get relevant analysis. We will provide all the necessary data that is suitable for your business with our optimized algorithms. 

If you would like to obtain competitor cross referencing services at an affordable price, then contact us now!

Simple and Intuitive Reports

Simple and Intuitive Reports

We create an exclusive report discarding all the unwanted data. We will provide you the reports either as a dashboard or a price matrix with filters to quickly process the essential information.
Custom Notifications

Custom Notifications

Price alerts/notifications will be sent via email to keep the client aware of the constant price changes as and when they happen. We also trigger alerts immediately through emails when your retailers violate your MAP agreements.
Data Accuracy

Data Accuracy

With a perfect combination of cutting-edge AI and ML technology and human expertise, Vserve's competitive intelligence solution ensures you receive the benefits of both methods. While automated data intelligence may not ensure data accuracy, our manual expertise can fill in this gap to provide results with 99% data accuracy in a quick turnaround time.
Data Security

Data Security

As your Data intelligence service partner, we are committed to maintaining the highest data quality and security standards. In accordance with ISO 27001:2013, we have an established information security management system to safeguard the confidential information you have.

Simple and Intuitive Reports:

We create an exclusive report discarding all the unwanted data. We will provide you the reports either as a dashboard or a price matrix with filters to quickly process the essential information.

Custom Notifications:

Price alerts/notifications will be sent via email to keep the client aware of the constant price changes as and when they happen. We also trigger alerts immediately through emails when your retailers violate your MAP agreements.

Data Accuracy

With a perfect combination of cutting-edge AI and ML technology and human expertise, Vserve’s competitive intelligence solution ensures you receive the benefits of both methods.

While automated data intelligence may not ensure data accuracy, our manual expertise can fill in this gap to provide results with 99% data accuracy in a quick turnaround time.

Data Security

As your Data intelligence service partner, we are committed to maintaining the highest data quality and security standards. In accordance with ISO 27001:2013, we have an established information security management system to safeguard the confidential information you have.

FAQ - Question and Answer

What is an eCommerce cross-referencing service?

Ecommerce cross-referencing is a service that enables easy searchability of the products or services of your ecommerce platform. It involves categorizing your products into an exact match with the competitor’s product names or part numbers to allow customers to see you as a probable seller when searching for its brand.

Why do I need a cross-referencing service?

If you want to be a top-performing seller on the ecommerce platform, you need to beat your competitors. One way to do this is to optimize your product’s search results and data. Buyers leave your website if they get disappointed with the search results. With cross-referencing service, you can prevent losing valuable bids and win RFPs.

Why should I outsource cross-referencing services?

Outsourcing cross-referencing services enables you to have an expert outlook on your current methods. The third-party team devotes all its energy to just one function of your website to boost your sales effort. They provide a detailed analysis of your competitor sites and help you make informed decisions without compromising content quality.


Deep domain expertise in eCommerce by working with over 50+ US online retailers

Most cost-effective and flexible solutions with guaranteed bottom-line savings of 50%

Easy to work with as our Program Managers understand US online retailers very well

Trustworthy US incorporated organization giving you total peace of mind

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Once you reach out to us, we will


Clarify your Needs

Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.


Clarify your Needs

Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Case Study

Competitor price analysis

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Case Study

Supporting client's competitive intelligence tool with Quality assurance expertise

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Case Study

Improving business Decisions with Vserve's business intelligence services

Case Study

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Improving business Decisions with Vserve's business intelligence services

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Competitor price analysis

vserve | Competitor Cross Reference

Supporting client's competitive intelligence tool with Quality assurance expertise

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