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Increasing Sales and Improving Stakeholder Coordination by Product Attribute Standardization Service with Vserve

Client Background

A leading eCommerce marketplace for the past 6 years in the US, the client deals in about 50 categories across consumer durables.

Client Requirement

The client had a comprehensive catalog of over 1 million products and required accurate and standardized product attributes that help maintain consistency and data quality. The service requirement was to –

  • Clean the current discrepancies and inconsistency in the product database.
  • Categorize the products; assign accurate attributes; and standardize the product attributes to help with optimal merchandising across all platforms, and
  • Set a predefined data format for the e-Store to improve customer experience and ensure convenient stakeholder coordination.
vserve|Increasing Sales and Improving Stakeholder Coordination by Product Attribute Standardization Service with Vserve

Key Challenges

With such voluminous data and lack of standardized product attributes, the client faced the challenge of inconsistency in the database leading to delayed time-to-market and poor stakeholder coordination.

Vserve Approach And Solutions

  • Our cross-functional team with data mining experts, process executives, and quality analysts worked on the project sorting and assigning attributes for every product and optimizing the process for a quick turn-around time.
  • The existing data was not properly categorized, in cases, where products were assigned to ‘General’ type and some product attributes were not enabled, thanks to our category experts, we classified the product data into correct categories and standardized UPCs (Universal Product Code) to ensure smooth workflow between the retailers, suppliers and manufacturers.
  • The discrepancies in the current custom product attributes were addressed – Our experts made sure the dimensions, value and keys were attributed accurately and standardized throughout. We ensured that UPC, manufacturer, colour, dimensions and price for each product was attributed accurately and standardized.

Process of Product Attribute Standardization from Vserve

To ensure high-level consistency and data quality, a multi-step process of product data standardization involved –

  • Accurate parsing of product data through advance technology tools
  • Categorizing the product data with the help of our experts
  • Normalization of the product data using industry best practices
  • Standardization of product data for easy finding of right product, and
  • Augmentation of the product data for search engine optimization


By categorizing and attributing nearly 1 million product in 4 months’ time,we helped the client –

  • Maintain data consistency and quality increasing sales and generating revenue.
  • Streamline stakeholder coordination and reduce manpower costs.
  • Maintain data consistency and quality increasing sales and generating revenue.
  • Streamline stakeholder coordination and reduce manpower costs.

Deep domain expertise in eCommerce by working with over 50+ US online retailers

Most cost-effective and flexible solutions with guaranteed bottom-line savings of 50%

Easy to work with as our Program Managers understand US online retailers very well

Trustworthy US incorporated organization giving you total peace of mind

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Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.


Clarify your Needs

Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.

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