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Catalog Content Enhancement and ongoing optimization


Our client, a TOP 100 Online retailer wanted to add 300,000 new products into their product catalog every month.  These listings have to be optimized for SEO and have to meet their unique listing style with the right specifications and attributes set out by user experience standards of the retailer.  They also wanted to make sure the SKUs were live faster than their current 2-4 weeks from receipt from the manufacturer/distributor. The online retailer also wanted that a minimum margin by maintained in each product but at the same time the products are listed at a price that is competitive in the market.

Catalog Content Enhancement and optimization


Vserve put together three teams to tackle this challenge and provide

a world class solution to its customers.

Content Team

Vserve put together a content team to create unique SEO friendly content for each of the products before being listed. This enabled the retailers content to stand out compared to the other generic content found with competitors.

List Team

The listing team worked on standardizing specifications and attributes for each category of products and then made sure all the key specifications and attributes are captured from the information from the vendor’s list or through a secondary research process.

Pricing Team

The pricing team, made up of experienced data analysts and coders identified same and similar products in competitors sites, understood packing differences and specification variations and then charted out the real prices for each of the similar or same products at competitors sites for the new product to be listed. This helped Vserve to determine optimal price points for each of the products to maximize sales and margins. Vserve also initiated constant monitoring of prices to stay competitive at all times especially during seasonal events.

Vserve also instituted a cross functional program management team which worked with the various stakeholder departments such as category managers, marketing and finance to enable speedy decision making and faster time to market.

Vserve was able to list 300,000 products within a week of receipt. All the products listed were SEO optimized and priced optimally to maximize margins.


  • Vserve was able reduce time to market of new products by upto 2 weeks helping in increasing the top line of the customer. Vserve was also able to contribute to a 6% increase is yield from the products by using Vserve’s price optimization strategies. 
  • The customer also saw a sustained improvement is ranking in Google of products which had unique content from Vserve. 
  • The customer is looking to expand its products offering by adding 500,000 new products a month in 2018 by utilizing Vserve’s services.

Deep domain expertise in eCommerce by working with over 50+ US online retailers

Most cost-effective and flexible solutions with guaranteed bottom-line savings of 50%

Easy to work with as our Program Managers understand US online retailers very well

Trustworthy US incorporated organization giving you total peace of mind

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Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.


Clarify your Needs

Tell us what you are looking for from us. Our sales team will revert with a detailed response within the next 24 hours.

Price of Service

Price of Service

Sign up for one of our easy contacts based on your requirements. Our services are priced on an hourly basis and range from $6 to $20. Customized plans are also available.

Risk Free Trial

Risk Free Trial

Once the scope is defined try our services 100% free for the trial period. You can see how good we are before you take a decision on us.

Delivery of Mandate

Delivery of Mandate

We will assign a dedicated program manager as the single point of contact for all your interactions with us. We will also setup detailed KPIs and interaction cadence with the PM.

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